

133 2024-04-27 17:38 admin

DONNA DONNA (中英文歌词对照)多娜,多娜Vocal : Joan Baez and Chad Mitchell我把风筝放得很高,燕子一样迎着阳光。他说远方有片海,我从没去过的地方On a wagon bound for market There’s a calf with a mournful eye .一辆颠簸赶集的马车上 一只小牛目露哀伤。High above him there’s a swallow Wingingftly through the sky .在他头顶上方 一只燕子振翅高飞,穿越蓝天。How the winds are laughing They laugh with all their might风儿正自笑开怀 笑啊笑,笑得真起劲Laugh and laugh the whole day through And half the summer’s night .一天到晚笑不停 笑到夏日夜半冥。